ドローンショット灯台ビーチ灯台日没。美しい夕日を背景に灯台. — ストック映像


 — 動画Gerain0812
  • Gerain0812
  • 316104094
  • 類似の動画を探す
  • 長さ: 00:20アスペクト比: 16:9
  • 4.5


ドローンショット灯台ビーチ灯台日没。美しい夕日を背景に灯台. — ストック動画
Lighthouse on the cape. beautiful shot from the air, flying over the lighthouse during sunset, beautiful light, scenic landscape sky and sea, Suristic colors. Flying around the lighthouse.
Lighthouse on the cape. beautiful shot from the air, flying over the lighthouse during sunset, beautiful light, scenic landscape sky and sea, Suristic colors. Flying around the lighthouse — ストック動画
Lighthouse on the cape. beautiful shot from the air, flying over the lighthouse during sunset, beautiful light, scenic landscape sky and sea, Suristic colors. Flying around the lighthouse.
Lighthouse on the cape. beautiful shot from the air, flying over the lighthouse during sunset, beautiful light, scenic landscape sky and sea, Suristic colors. Flying around the lighthouse — ストック動画
ドローンショット灯台ビーチ灯台日没。美しい夕日を背景に灯台. — ストック動画
Lighthouse on the cape. beautiful shot from the air, flying over the lighthouse during sunset, beautiful light, scenic landscape sky and sea, Suristic colors. Flying around the lighthouse.
Lighthouse on the cape. beautiful shot from the air, flying over the lighthouse during sunset, beautiful light, scenic landscape sky and sea, Suristic colors. Flying around the lighthouse — ストック動画
Lighthouse on the cape. beautiful shot from the air, flying over the lighthouse during sunset, beautiful light, scenic landscape sky and sea, Suristic colors. Flying around the lighthouse.
Lighthouse on the cape. beautiful shot from the air, flying over the lighthouse during sunset, beautiful light, scenic landscape sky and sea, Suristic colors. Flying around the lighthouse — ストック動画
ドローンショット灯台ビーチ灯台日没。美しい夕日を背景に灯台. — ストック動画
Lighthouse on the cape. beautiful shot from the air, flying over the lighthouse during sunset, beautiful light, scenic landscape sky and sea, Suristic colors. Flying around the lighthouse.
Lighthouse on the cape. beautiful shot from the air, flying over the lighthouse during sunset, beautiful light, scenic landscape sky and sea, Suristic colors. Flying around the lighthouse — ストック動画
Lighthouse on the cape. beautiful shot from the air, flying over the lighthouse during sunset, beautiful light, scenic landscape sky and sea, Suristic colors. Flying around the lighthouse.
Lighthouse on the cape. beautiful shot from the air, flying over the lighthouse during sunset, beautiful light, scenic landscape sky and sea, Suristic colors. Flying around the lighthouse — ストック動画
川のボートに燃料を補給する船。水上給油、川の燃料ステーション、河川輸送. — ストック動画
航空写真。水面に浮かぶスクラップ金属と廃棄物を積んだ船。乾燥貨物船によるリサイクル可能な資材の輸送. — ストック動画
美しいパノラマビュー。川の小さな帆船、競争。レガッタ。レーシングセーリングスポーツコート。小型ヨットの訓練。空から撮影。上からの眺め. — ストック動画
美しいパノラマビュー。川の小さな帆船、競争。レガッタ。レーシングセーリングスポーツコート。小型ヨットの訓練。空から撮影。上からの眺め. — ストック動画
桟橋に荷役中および荷役中の夜の港のタイム研究所。桟橋から街の港の美しいパノラマビュー. — ストック動画
艦隊の船で河川港のパノラマの景色は、川の銀行の横にある水で固定されています。波状の大きな川のある風景します。 — ストック動画


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