Crystal clear, blue and sparkling water in a paddling pool in the sunshine and reflections on the water — ストック映像

Crystal clear, blue and sparkling water in a paddling pool in the sunshine and reflections on the water

 — 動画TKphotography


Sparkling and crystal clear water in a pool in sunshine and reflections on the water surface
Sparkling Crystal Clear Water Pool Sunshine Reflections Water Surface — ストック動画
A yellow rubber duck can drift relaxed from top to bottom through the picture, on the sparkling and crystal-clear water of a pool in the summer light
Yellow Rubber Duck Can Drift Relaxed Top Bottom Picture Sparkling — ストック動画
Sparkling and crystal clear water in a pool in sunshine and reflections on the water surface
Sparkling Crystal Clear Water Pool Sunshine Reflections Water Surface — ストック動画
夏の光のプールの透明な水の上で右から左へ泳いでいる青いゴム製のアヒル — ストック動画
Sparkling and crystal clear water in a pool in sunshine and reflections on the water surface
Sparkling Crystal Clear Water Pool Sunshine Reflections Water Surface — ストック動画
A single Black Rubber Duck is swimming from the right to the left on crystal clear pool water
Single Black Rubber Duck Swimming Right Left Crystal Clear Pool — ストック動画
A yellow and purple rubber duck swim from right to left through the sparkling and crystal clear water of a pool and then swim out of the picture to the left
Yellow Purple Rubber Duck Swim Right Left Sparkling Crystal Clear — ストック動画
夏の光のプールの透明な水の上で右から左へ泳ぐ黒と白のゴム製のアヒル — ストック動画
A blue rubber duck floats into the picture from the right and can be drifted easily on the crystal clear water of a pool
Blue Rubber Duck Floats Picture Right Can Drifted Easily Crystal — ストック動画
A purple rubber duck swimming from right to left through the picture, on the crystal clear water of a pool in summer light
Purple Rubber Duck Swimming Right Left Picture Crystal Clear Water — ストック動画
夏の光のプールの透明な水の上で右から左へ泳いでいる青いゴム製のアヒル — ストック動画
A purple rubber duck swimming from right to left through the picture, on the crystal clear water of a pool in summer light
Purple Rubber Duck Swimming Right Left Picture Crystal Clear Water — ストック動画
春の美しい風景の中に黒い森の小さな滝と急流の上のクローズアップとしての高速空中ビュー — ストック動画
Crystal clear, blue and sparkling water in a paddling pool in the sunshine and reflections on the water
Crystal Clear Blue Sparkling Water Paddling Pool Sunshine Reflections Water — ストック動画


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