面白い羊の肖像画 — ストック写真

面白い羊の肖像画 — ストック画像


 — [著者]の写真 fagianella


面白い羊の肖像画 — ストック写真
Portrait of a hurt and bleeding sheep in the Isle of Skye and in the Hebrides, Scotland. Tame, friendly faces, long wool against the harsh climate and constant wind.
Portrait Hurt Bleeding Sheep Isle Skye Hebrides Scotland Tame Friendly — ストック写真
Portrait of a beautiful sheep in the Isle of Skye and in the Hebrides, Scotland. Tame, friendly faces, long wool against the harsh climate and constant wind.
Portrait Beautiful Sheep Isle Skye Hebrides Scotland Tame Friendly Faces — ストック写真
Scottish highlander cow portraits in the Isle of Lewis and Harris, outer Hebrides. Beautiful, tame animals with characteristic long mane.
Scottish Highlander Cow Portraits Isle Lewis Harris Outer Hebrides Beautiful — ストック写真
Portrait of a beautiful sheep in the Isle of Skye and in the Hebrides, Scotland. Tame, friendly faces, long wool against the harsh climate and constant wind.
Portrait Beautiful Sheep Isle Skye Hebrides Scotland Tame Friendly Faces — ストック写真
Portrait of a beautiful sheep in the Isle of Skye and in the Hebrides, Scotland. Tame, friendly faces, long wool against the harsh climate and constant wind.
Portrait Beautiful Sheep Isle Skye Hebrides Scotland Tame Friendly Faces — ストック写真
Portrait of a beautiful baby sheep in the Isle of Skye and in the Hebrides, Scotland. Tame, friendly faces, long wool against the harsh climate and constant wind.
Portrait Beautiful Baby Sheep Isle Skye Hebrides Scotland Tame Friendly — ストック写真
Portrait of a beautiful sheep in the Isle of Skye and in the Hebrides, Scotland. Tame, friendly faces, long wool against the harsh climate and constant wind.
Portrait Beautiful Sheep Isle Skye Hebrides Scotland Tame Friendly Faces — ストック写真
Portrait of beautiful sheep in the Isle of Skye and in the Hebrides, Scotland. Tame, friendly faces, long wool against the harsh climate and constant wind.
Portrait Beautiful Sheep Isle Skye Hebrides Scotland Tame Friendly Faces — ストック写真
Portrait of beautiful sheep in the Isle of Skye and in the Hebrides, Scotland. Tame, friendly faces, long wool against the harsh climate and constant wind.
Portrait Beautiful Sheep Isle Skye Hebrides Scotland Tame Friendly Faces — ストック写真
Portrait of a beautiful baby sheep in the Isle of Skye and in the Hebrides, Scotland. Tame, friendly faces, long wool against the harsh climate and constant wind.
Portrait Beautiful Baby Sheep Isle Skye Hebrides Scotland Tame Friendly — ストック写真
Scottish highlander cow portraits in the Isle of Lewis and Harris, outer Hebrides. Beautiful, tame animals with characteristic long mane.
Scottish Highlander Cow Portraits Isle Lewis Harris Outer Hebrides Beautiful — ストック写真
Portrait of a beautiful sheep in the Isle of Skye and in the Hebrides, Scotland. Tame, friendly faces, long wool against the harsh climate and constant wind.
Portrait Beautiful Sheep Isle Skye Hebrides Scotland Tame Friendly Faces — ストック写真
目を覆う毛皮のような男性と美しい高地の牛の頭を撮影した肖像画を閉じます スコットランド高地 外へのヘブリディーズ ルイス島 ハリス島の典型的なブドウ畑 — ストック写真
Close up head-shot portraits of beautiful highland cows with long furry manes covering their eyes. Typical bovines or cattle breed of the scottish highlands, Outer Hebrides, Lewis and Harris Island.
Close Head Shot Portraits Beautiful Highland Cows Long Furry Manes — ストック写真
Portrait of a beautiful sheep in the Isle of Skye and in the Hebrides, Scotland. Tame, friendly faces, long wool against the harsh climate and constant wind.
Portrait Beautiful Sheep Isle Skye Hebrides Scotland Tame Friendly Faces — ストック写真


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このストックフォトを購入して、最大4085x6127 の高解像度でダウンロードできます。 アップロード日: 2020年10月10日