
人々は冬の終わりにワシントンDCのナショナル・モールでリンカーン記念館を訪れる。カメラは舗装から傾いて建物を明らかにします. — ストック映像


 — 動画petersilvermanphoto


A time-lapse of the Jefferson Memorial in Washington, D.C. on a winter evening at sunset. The camera pans left to right. Unidentifiable tourists visit the site.
Time Lapse Jefferson Memorial Washington Winter Evening Sunset Camera Pans — ストック動画
ワシントンD のキャピトル ヒルにあるダークセン上院事務所ビルの西のペディメントとファサードは 春の日にファースト ストリートNeから見たものである ローアングルワイドショット — ストック動画
A time-lapse video of numerous tourists visiting the Lincoln Memorial, located in Washington, D.C., on a sunny autumn day. Seen from a low angle.
Time Lapse Video Numerous Tourists Visiting Lincoln Memorial Located Washington — ストック動画
A daytime time-lapse of the Marriner S. Eccles Federal Reserve Board Building in Washington, D.C. on a sunny winter day. The camera pans from left to right.
Daytime Time Lapse Marriner Eccles Federal Reserve Board Building Washington — ストック動画
ワシントンDcの米国最高裁判所ビルは 晴れた春の日に見られました いくつかの人々はキャピトル ヒルのランドマークを訪れる ローアングルワイドショット — ストック動画
A daytime time-lapse of clouds passing over the United States Supreme Court Building in Washington, DC. The camera pans from left to right.
Daytime Time Lapse Clouds Passing United States Supreme Court Building — ストック動画
The IRS Building, headquarters of the Internal Revenue Service, in Washington, D.C. seen from Constitution Avenue NW during a winter day in a time-lapse. The wide-angle camera view pans from left to right.
Irs Building Headquarters Internal Revenue Service Washington Seen Constitution Avenue — ストック動画
Time-lapse of the National Archives Building in Washington, D.C. at sunset, seen from Constitution Avenue NW. Car and tourist foot traffic is seen. The camera pans left to right.
Time Lapse National Archives Building Washington Sunset Seen Constitution Avenue — ストック動画
Time-lapse shot of the United States Department of Commerce Herbert C. Hoover Building in Washington, DC, as seen from 15th street NW during a sunny winter day. The camera pans from left to right.
Time Lapse Shot United States Department Commerce Herbert Hoover Building — ストック動画
A time-lapse of sunrise at the Lincoln Memorial on a summer morning in Washington, DC. The morning sun brightens the scene and casts beautiful pink light on the marble columns and facade and unidentifiable tourists visit the landmark.
Time Lapse Sunrise Lincoln Memorial Summer Morning Washington Morning Sun — ストック動画
Billowing cumulus clouds form above the U.S. Capitol Building in Washington, D.C. - Time lapse
Billowing Cumulus Clouds Form Capitol Building Washington Time Lapse — ストック動画
A time-lapse video of numerous tourists visiting the Lincoln Memorial, located in Washington, D.C., on a sunny autumn day.
Time Lapse Video Numerous Tourists Visiting Lincoln Memorial Located Washington — ストック動画
Time-lapse of clouds passing over the south pediment of the William Jefferson Clinton Federal Building, headquarters of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. The camera pans left to right.
Time Lapse Clouds Passing South Pediment William Jefferson Clinton Federal — ストック動画
The north entrance of the U.S. Department of the Treasury Building and Albert Gallatin statue in downtown Washington, D.C. seen in a nighttime time-lapse that pans from left to right.
North Entrance Department Treasury Building Albert Gallatin Statue Downtown Washington — ストック動画
The United States Department of Justice Robert F. Kennedy Building is seen on a winter day from Constitution Avenue NW in downtown Washington, DC. The time-lapse wide shot pans from left to right.
United States Department Justice Robert Kennedy Building Seen Winter Day — ストック動画
A daytime time-lapse of the Stewart Lee Udall Department of the Interior Building in Washington, D.C. on a sunny winter day. The camera pans from left to right.
Daytime Time Lapse Stewart Lee Udall Department Interior Building Washington — ストック動画


